On the "Task configuration" page can be set how the new task creation or existing task modification will be controlled. The program offers three ways of controlling of task setting. It is controlling via tree, tabs and wizard. The possibilities of configuration are the same in all cases.
Via the appropriate radio button select the controlling of new task creation. Click on the chosen item: tree, tabs or wizard.
By the appropriate radio button select the controlling of existing task modification. Click on the chosen item: tree, tabs or wizard.
If the user uses the Wizard, he is led by the program when creating a new task. He gradually passes through the entire process of the task creation, sheet by sheet, and he is setting the controls on regular sheets. The user can move to the next sheet at any time when he is satisfied with the settings. He can also move to the following sheet or return to the previous sheet by using the "Next >>" and "<< Back" buttons. It is also possible to cancel the creation of the new task at any time using the "Cancel" button or the "Esc" key. The task can also be created only on the basis of the preset parameters by the "OK" button. In this case the default values will be used for the parameters which are not preset.
We recommend the use of the Wizard especially for the users who are only learning to work with the AVAST32. Its usage is easy, and it practically excludes any failure in respect to some important parameter. In this way the user can learn particular options of settings as well as their layout on individual sheets.
If the use of the select controlling via "Tabs" all of the sheets available would be situated in the classical property sheet. This enables the user to move directly to the sheet containing the necessary controls without having to go through all the previous sheets. In the same way as in the case of using the Wizard, it is possible to cancel the creation of a task by using the "Cancel" button or, alternatively, to ask for the creation of a task by using the values preset using the "OK" button when the parameters which have not been entered will be defined by default.
The property sheet is likely to be used by more experienced users, because of its faster service. The user will only set what he needs, and then he can directly go on to creating a new task (this way of work is not, however, recommended for less-experienced users). The property sheet is convenient in particular for the modification of the parameters of a task which already exists.
The controlling via "Tabs" is the same as controlling via "Tabs" with the only different that for switching between pages the tree control in left part of the window is used. Each item in the tree represent a page with settings. The item is selected by clicking on the name of the item with left mouse button.
The modification of the parameters of existing tasks is made in the same environment as the creation of new tasks. The only difference is that, if you press the "Cancel" button when modifying the task parameters, the values of all parameters will be left unchanged, and of course, the task itself continues to exist as well.
Check box "Show advanced tabs in task configuration" enables displaying of advanced tabs in task configuration. If the check box is not check, only the necessary parameters for the correct task functionality are offered.